Saturday, February 05, 2011

Prompt #5

Nablpomo doesn't do prompts on the weekend - so I found another cite
I'm writing this on my iPhone while my kid falls asleep

February 5th is “Disaster Day.”  Over the past several years, think about the natural disasters that have taken place in your area, in your state, in your country, and around the world.  What do you think has been the greatest natural disaster and why?

There was a series of pretty awful wildfires a year and a half ago. Many of our friends had to evacuate their homes. we were very lucky. The only problem we had was one of our dogs got incredibly sick - te vets couple figure it out - she was having trouble breathing. We got an ionizer for the house and that solved it.

I was in San Francisco for the last big earthquake in the 90s. Was in San Diego during the Northridge. Earthquakes are terrifying. Sure being a califonian I have been through many - and giggled at the non californians who have a complete desk out. But now that I live someplace surrounded by trees - it's a bit scarier. and we are lucky because most cA places are built with earthquakes in mind - and still there is destruction. I think about all these other countries who suffer greatly in terms of injuries and deaths of their people and the utter destruction of whole cities and villages. It makes me weep

These flash floods that hit other places are truly terrifying. Recently in Austrailia. Destruction in their wake.

To name what I think is the greatest natural disaster is an unfair request. Anything that kills and causes suffering is bad.

I don't want to get on my green high horse - but we humans are doing so much damage to the earth that i wonder howany of these natural disasters are actually brought on by us...

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