Monday, February 28, 2011

Prompt #28

Who's your favorite character from a movie that came out in the last year? Who's your least favorite character?

Favorite character
TOOTHLESS the Night Fury in How TO Train Your Dragon
Why do I love toothless? Like Dumbo before him - here is a character who is given no dialogue and yet you love him and root for him. and yes, he reminds me of my dog.

Toothless doesn't give his friendship willingly - it has to be earned. There is an interesting thing in the film - a turning point with Astrid and Stoic's characters - as soon as they say 'I'm sorry" Toothless forgives them and his attitude totally changes.

I admire his loyalty. He is complex. And he is an animal - so you never really know what he might do.

But maybe what I like best - is that here is an animated character that isn't encumbered with a "celebrity" voice. As I watched Gnomeo and Juliet today - i found myself guessing who the actors were. And knowing that the voice is just one facet of an animated character - it really pulled me out of the film.

Least favorite
Guido Contini (yes I looked it up) as played by Daniel Day-Lewis in NINE
I'm all for films about artists being blocked and trying to create their art. But this guy was just a cad. I really didn't get why all these women wanted him. He is the protagonist and I could care less. i wanted him to fail - and I don't think that is what the filmmakers intended.
The feminist in me was annoyed by the objectification. Sure I like looking at beautiful women strutting their stuff - but it was all a male sexual fantasy. It gets old after a while. When was he going to be objectified?
Maybe I just missed the point completley.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prompt #27

Take a character from one of your stories and examine his or her ipod playlist. What 10 songs best describe the character?

What the character has on her ipod and 10 songs to describe her would be very different.

To describe her:
1. Crazy by Patsy Cline
2. Who Will Save Your Soul by Jewel
3. Ne me quitte pas by Jacques Brel
4. Sometimes you can't make it by U2
5. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
6. Sir Psycho Sexy by the Red hot Chili Peppers
7. red Red Wine by the B52s
8. Time after Time by Cyndi Lauper
9. Riding on the Metro by Berlin
10. Master and servant by Depehce Mode

on the ipod
1. Peter Gabriel's Passion soundtrack
2. The Beatles (everything before Sgt. Pepper's)
3. Enya (they all sound alike anyway)
4. Mozart
5. Holt's the Planets
6. Duran Duran (thru the Reflex)
7. Blonde's Greatest Hits
8. Edith Paif
9. Billie Holiday
10. Paula Cole's greatest hits

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Prompt #26

What are five good reasons to break off a wedding?

1. Not being in love with the other person. Really. It wont work if you aren't in love. Someone, and it wasn't me, told me how her mother basically forced her into it when she was having doubts. This someone was insisting that her mother was trying to get her out of the house and wanted her married so she didn't have to deal. This someone admitted to not being in love. Yikes.
Even if you are having that persons baby - don't get married if you are not in love.

2. Lying. He or she lies about something major. An ex-spouse, another child, their income and/or debt, crime, addiction. Lying is not good.

3. Sleeping with someone else after you got engaged. If you can't be faithful during the engagement - how can you be faithful in marriage - which is 100 times harder.

4. Showing up to the wedding intoxicated or under the influence of other substance. If ya can't do it sober - don't do it at all. Couldn't you wait for the reception?

5. He or she doesn't like your kids. Call it off - unless your kids are in college and/or out of the house - then go for it. But if the kids are at home and this person doesn't want to be a partner and help raise them - ya got trouble.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Prompt #25

What do you do to calm your nerves when things are getting tough?

Like every good American, I have alcohol. A good glass of wine really helps calm the nerves. I just read an article that the US is NOT the most lubricated nation. somehow I was surprised by that - but other countries with extreme cold weather (yeah you russia) drink more. I do like a glass of wine. It usually puts me to sleep though.

Walking the dogs in the morning is incredibly centering. I use the walk to figure out what I have to do that day and how I am going to accomplish that feat.

The dogs stay with me when I work in my office. Usually I can pet one of them (there is a chair next to my desk that they liek to sit in). or I have one at my feet. Pet therapy is the best.

But the most calming thing for me is spending time with the kid. she always wants me to play with her. When I am stressed out I tend to get snappish and just let her watch TV. But when I sit down and play a game with her - everything is good. She is hilarious and happy and that makes me happy. Candyland, polly pockets or any of the incredibly silly games she has are a blast.
Then reading her three books before she goes to sleep - that is where I relax the most. It's our time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prompt #24

What's the longest you've lived in any one place? How did you end up there? Why did you leave, or are you still there?

The longest I have ever lived in one place is 7 years in the home I currently live in. Before that it was the place in San Diego with my hubby for 7 years.

I can remember living in 7 different places before I graduated high school. Compared to my spouse whose parents just moved for the first time in 40 years, that's a lot. I never remembered why we moved - I still don't know if we were renting houses or if we owned them until we moved to the East Bay during high school. The reason for that move was that property was cheaper. So were we dodging creditors? Who knows. I was raised by a single mother (who married again when I was in jr. high) - so anything is a possibility.

My husband found this to be very strange. I thought people moved all the time.

My husband and I have lived together since 1996 (I think). We have lived in four places - two of those places for 7 years.

Our current home is the first place we have purchased, everything else was a rental. We do not intend for this to be our last home. It is incredibly small - but currently serves its purpose. We have done a lot of work on the place - making the backyard more livable and various other projects.

Sometimes we get down in the dumps about our place - it isn't our dream home. With the money we make, if we lived anywhere else, we could have double the space. But we live here - the husband got a good job and we moved here. Yes we want more room. I'd love a real office - not that I don't absolutely adore my office in the garage (really I do its awesome) but I would like to not freeze my ass of in the winter. I'd live to have a larger living room or a separate family room so I don't feel like I am living in a kids room. I want my husband to have a man cave - I do - he'd be so happy. I am fine with the size of my kitchen - I just HATE the floors and the cabinets.. but as we are not planning on staying here forever - we just have not decided to spend the major money on renovations. Besides, like everyone else, we are ust going to have to sit in this house for a while so we can get above water.

I am thankful that we have a home.

I am incredibly thankful that my neighbors cut down the two dead pine trees that were threatening to fall on my house.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prompt #23

Have you ever lost anything of value? Do you still think about it? Imagine how you'd feel if you'd given it away instead.

I'm not going to write about my car keysvthat fell out of my pocket at the Xmas tree farm, or the fact that it will cost $500 to replace it.
I still have not replaced them.

The fact that I can't remember loosing anything must mean I haven't. Well nothing of major value. I have been robbed. Jackets stolen out of my car. A framed picture stolen out of my office/ that was upsetting because I got that print at the Louvre.

Now I remember - I lost a photo album which had all my pictures from my year of living in England. I used it was a prop in a show (my mistake) and it went missing. I think someone deliberately took it. I can't prove it / but it was the only thing missing and it wasn't a small prop. It was before digital / so all I had were those prints.

I constantly loose things in the house - and although I get crazed and pissy when I try to find it - it is just a thing and usually if little consequence. I tend to be a little bit of a hoarder. A couple weeks ago I gave away all my Nationsl Geographjcs. I have been a subscribes since the 90s - so there were a lot. The husband had just bought me the Complete NG on CDs. So really there was no reason to keep them. It felt good to Give them to someone who could make great use of them. I need to rid myself of numerous a other things that I jace just been carrying around for years...

My need for things Reached an all time high a few years ago - o had a good paying job and it was easy to just buy stuff - I love buying my daughter thins. But the economic situation of today makes me wish I had saved some of that dough. I also have a kid who thinks she gets to have something every time we go into a store- I've created quite the little consumer. We have been working on this. She is getting better. And I am big spoiling her as much - which ia good.
There are certain items that I have that would make me incredibly sad if I lost them. But as long as the husband, kid and fur children are okay - I don't really need anything else.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prompt #22

What up nablpomo? No prompt again today.
So I took this one from jan 24

What are you shy about? Or, what situations do you find make you shy?

I don't think I am a very good dancer. So i try to avoid going out to dance. This is not to say I don't love dancing - I totally do. But if it us too bright - I just get a bit physically awkward. I danced up a storm at my wedding - but I was in a big white dress - so no one could see of o totally sucked. I dance with my daughter all the time - but soon I'm sure she will start telling me to stop.

I don't have the best signing voice either - which is why I just sing in the car when I am alone.

I am shy about my body - what women isn't? I get very nervous come the summer and I have to put on a swimsuit. Maybe that's why i don't like the beach.

My husband will tell you I am not shy at all - I can make conversation with just about anyone. The trick is knowing that people really do like talking about what interests them. So when chatting with a stranger - ask about their occupation, their interests, ect and next thing ya know you have a conversation... but I am rather shy when I enter a room. Particularly when I am alone. I search for a familiar face who can at least introduce me to someone to start the above strategy.

I don't like being put on the spot to "perform". Like all folks - I do have performance anxiety.

I think I am most shy about my writing - it takes a lot for me to give it to someone to read. I am incredibly nervous about it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Prompt #21

If you were stranded on a desert island, what ten things would you want in your pockets?

I am assuming we cannot list a cell phone or any kind of transmitting device.
How big are these pockets?
man I wished I watched MacGyver

1. leatherman
2. compass
3. travel sewing kit (for stitches etc)
4. a hunting knife
5. moleskin notebook and pencil
6. dental floss
7. led flashlight
8. lighter and matches
9. picture of my family
10. complete works of shakespeare (I know there is no way that would fit in my pocket) - maybe those 1920 penny editions of his poems and Hamlet, Lear and Midsummer (those would all be fun to act out with coconuts)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prompt #20

List 25 things you will do

1. Be a good mother
2. go to Egypt (but not right now)
3. make a full 5 course meal
4. paint a picture worthy of hanging on the wall.
5. see the aurora borealis
6. see Wagner's entire ring cycle live
7. re learn French
8. go to Norway
9. Run a marathon
10. learn to sew
11. learn to use a letterpress and make a book
12. Make a piece of furniture
13. write a novel (yep)
14. go on a safari
15. plant a couple trees
16. Relax without guilt (harder than it sounds$
17. Eat at French Laundry and chez pannais
18. Read a lot
19. Make a short film
20. Experiment with my art
21. swim with a dolphin (really swim not just get in the water with one)
22. Do a sweat lodge
23. Go to mardi grais
24. make a beautiful cake
25. Love (already doing that but I want to always do that)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prompt #19

List 25 things you will never do

I would never say never - so here are 25 things that I will probably never do in all likelihood... but one never knows what the future will bring...

1. Bungi jump
2. sing opera on the Met stage (in another life maybe)
3. trek across the Sahara
4. ride a dragon
5. put my head in a lion's mouth
6. dye my hair pink or yellow (just would not look good on me)
7. botox
8. cosmetic surgery
9. go into outer space
10. compete in the Olympics (unless I start curling now)
11. deep sea dive
12. drive in the Indy 500 (although I would like to)
13. run for political office
14. sky dive
15. eat something still alive
16. climb mt. Kilimanjaro or Everest
17. rock climb
18. go fishing in the Bering Sea
19. walk a tight robe (I see a fear of heights emerging on this list)
20. let my toe nails grown long
21. march in a marching band
22. hang glide/hot air balloon (heights again)
23. sleep in a haunted house by myself... seen too many horror movies
24. gamble at a high stakes table (too much pressure)
25. pole dance (not gonna do it and who would want to see it)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Prompt #18

Look up a favorite poem, then take the last line and use it as the first line of today's post.

Ah you who are silent

Ah you who are silent. Why do you not speak? Say what you want. But you suffer and you swallow those words. the words fill your belly. You bloat. You can only hold it is for so long. There must be a release. How will it come out? It a burst of venom over something benign? In a scream to a passing driver for cutting you off?

I know why you keep it all in. Better to not hurt, to cause another to suffer. But things cannot change without communication. You have to speak. The words my hurt for a moment - like a sting. Think of the wound that you have opened in yourself. It can never heal by remaining silent.

Holding it all within. Do you think no one knows? We all do. We watch you grow frail. We watch you picking at your plate. It's depleting your soul.

Say it.

There is no way the aftermath can be worse than the hell you are putting yourself through. Listen to yourself. Be selfish for once. They are not holding back to protect you. Stand up for yourself.

There are things you want. Things you need. You don't have to deny yourself. You cannot take responsibilities for someone elses' behavior or actions. That is their damage. Sure it might embarrass you from time to time - but no one blames you. You can care for your own self easily, if you just make room for yourself.

You need to do it.

You wont be helping anyone by fading into oblivion

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prompt #17

What do you think about dress codes? Do they make sense in school, restaurants, or places of business? Why or why not?

I am a fan of the dress code at schools although I have never gone to a school with one. In theory, it makes a lot of sense. If there is not a uniform - peer pressure over the latest fashion can be detrimental - it evens the playing field. The rich kids and the poor kids all look alike. Of course that doesn't stop that kind of bullying off campus - but it doesn't make it an area of focus for kids trying to learn.

I am all for freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But, wearing a t-shirt with a statement that insults or marginalizes a group is not appropriate for a K-12 classroom. Put it on after school and make your statement.

I'm not all for uniforms, aka like catholic schools, but I think a dress code is appropriate in schools.

Disneyland has one.

There is nothing as unappetizing as a bare chest in a restaurant - unless you are at a swim up bar at an exotic location. No shirt, no shoes, no service is a great idea. There is something special about going to a restaurant where men are required to wear a jacket - its not one of those places I frequent (who could afford it) but there is something about FINE dining that makes dressing u special.

I find that I am usually overdressed. I got to a lot of functions - theatre opening nights - and people are dressed up and people are dressed down (jeans). I'm all for jeans with boots or heels - but come on - it's a special night and you know it!

I went to an event honoring an individual that was followed by an invitation only dinner. I was shocked to see people dressed down. It wasn't black tie but it was an important occasion.

We have entered a world of casual. I too have found myself teaching in jeans. But when everything is casual - nothing is special.

One of my friends organized a "little black dress" night. We all dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. It was delightful! Everyone felt they looked great. It seemed to give everyone a different level of confidence.

I do find that when I dress for work - I feel different. When I am just slumming in my "mom uniform" I feel like I am slumming.

Perhaps that is why I have started fixing my hair -

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prompt #16

What's the best way for you to blow off some steam?

Today started off terribly - with fires happening in the workplace and people's tempers completely out of control. So I went for a hike with my friend. It totally helped. I was not able to blow off steam to the people from work - even though the issue came up becuase of lack of communiation on their part. I managed to get everyone on the same page and offer up a solution! wow.

But I was still tightly wound. There is nothing like a hike.

As I told my friend on our walk - my husband has been telling me that I should run a marathon. I was a runner in junior high (back int he dark ages) and was a wicked badmitton player in high school. Why did he tell me this? Well - after watching me give birth to his child without any drugs and my determination to get better after my surgery five weeks ago - he thought I could do it.

I think I can.

So I need to train.

I need to get running shoes - don't have any of those.

But there is a run in July. If I start training now I might be able to do 6 miles. And the training might be just what I need to work out all the pent up emotions that seem to get me all in a tizzy during the day.

Yoga just doesn't seem to cut it. yes - I love the stretches and if does help with stress - but I have a temper and I get really angry very fast. I think running might be the ticket.

If I can do the 6 miles in July - maybe I can do the RACE FOR THE CURE with my aunts in November. I'd really like to do that.

I also realized that I want my daughter to see me doing a physical activity. I want fitness to be part of her life - it was never part of mine growing up. My mom would take us to the beach - but that was about it. yes we had lessons, but I didn't learn by example rom either of my four parental units. And as my metabolism is not what it was - a kind of running might just eb the right thing.

There are numerous benefits.


But there is another thing I do to blow off steam. I think about all the people in the situation as characters and write a little scenario in my head - its never violent - but full with what I think is the appropriate level of humiliation. I guess that is my version of seeing people in the underwear when you are nervous. I fantasize about squashing them with reason and rhetoric. Perhaps in the fantasy they are reduced to tears, or maybe all I need is just a simple "you're right" or just for everyone else to see how ridiculous it all is. Whatever the imagined outcome I am victorious and the other person has learned something. That is why it is called a fantasy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prompt #15

If you could start any type of new business, what would it be?

I'd open an antique bookstore. I know that is totally impractical given the demise of numerous major chains and even Borders potential bankrupty. But I don't think books will die. There is nothing like the smell of a book. I love holding books. I love cracking the binding on a new book or being incredibly delicate with an old one. Yes I have read a book on my iPhone. No didn't like it. O I've held the kindle - which I think is pretty cool and the iPad (which I completely covet). But a book just feels right - you can cuddle in bed with it.

My business would be antique books - first printings - out of print books - rare publications. Yes o know that with most antique books copywrights have expired and you can pretty much get it on the web for free. Whatever. I'm interested in working with book people not the college student that has to read a dickens for the one lit class they are taking.

My business would offer a research component as well. Like dramaturgy - give us a topic and we can accumulate info for you. We can provide comprehensive reading lists on subjects or put together a dossier for you on whatever the subject may be.
Need to know about Picasso during the war years from the perspective of his lovers - we can do that.
Now we are not going to write research papers for students. But we will provide assistance.

I picture the storefront like some British bookshop - floor to ceiling books with sliding ladders. A musty smell and cozy leather chairs.

I love to talk books. So come on in and we can chat about some good things to read.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Prompt #14

There was no prompt when I checked today... So...

My husband and daughter bought me FINISHING THE HAT by Stephen Sondheim. He is one of my favorite composer/lyricists. Although this book is about his work until the 1980 - I have always found inspiration from his 1984 musical SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE. I can't listen to the end without weeping. The musical about being an artist and all the hell and joy and obsession and rewards and defeats that go along with it.

This song is my favorite. The last lines Dot sings to George always help me get out of my rut. "Anything you do/ Let it come from you/ Then it will be new/ Give us more to see..."

Here are the lyrics to MOVE ON, the second to last number in the show.

Are you working on something new?


That is not like you, George

I've nothing to say

You have many things

Well, nothing that's not been said

Said by you, though. George

I do not know where to go

And nor did I

I want to make things that count,
Things that will be new...

I did what I had to do...

What am I to do?

Move on...

Stop worrying where you're going-
Move on
If you can know where you're going
You've gone
Just keep moving on

I chose, and my world was shaken-
So what?
The choice may have been mistaken,
The choosing was not
You have to move on

Look at what you want,
Not at where you are,
Not at what you'll be-
Look at all the things you've done for me

Opened up my eyes,
Taught me how to see,
Notice every tree-

Notice every tree...

Understand the light-

...Understand the light...

Concentrate on now-

I want to move on
I want to explore the light
I want to know how to get through,
Through to something new,
Something of my own-

Move on
Move on

Stop worrying it your vision
Is new
Let others make that decision-
They usually do
You keep moving on

-------Voice Over Voice-------
Something in the light,
Something in the sky,
In the grass,
Up behind the trees...
Things I hadn't looked at
Till now
Flower in your hat.
And your smile
And the color of your hair.

Look at what you've done,
Then at what you want,
Not at where you are,
What you'll be
Look at all the things
You gave to me
Let me give to you
Something in return
I would be so pleased...
------End Voice Over Voice------

And the way you catch the light
And the care
And the feeling
And the life
Moving on

We've always belonged

We will always belong

Just keep moving on
Anything you do
Let it come from you
Then it will be new
Give us more to see...

or watch it

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prompt #13

"Who told you it was haunted? Write about the first memory that comes to mind when you heard the words 'haunted house.'"

When I was in junior high, my older sister was sent to live with my grandparents for a year. I was sharing a room with my younger sister at the time. My mom told me I could use my older sisters room while she was gone.

So a couple days before she left, my sister took me into her room. There was a full length mirror on the closet door. She instructued me to look into it. She asked if I could see the dead people that lived in there. Well that was enough to make me not what to sleep in that room ever.

I didn't and within a few weeks our step grandmother was residing in that room.

When we were very little my dad took us to the Winchester Mystery House. My older sister and I - who were fans of Gothic and horror novels - found the place to be endlessly fascinating. But our little sister had a different experience. In the room made up of teeny tiny trap doors - she completely flipped out (similar to how she freaked o Disneys Haunted Mansion). She started crying and carrying on. My dad had to carry her. MY big sis and I wanted to go everywhere and see everything. We thought Mrs. Winchester was brilliant the way she created stairs to nowhere - doors that opened into walls. She had to keep building.

I didn't feel it was haunted.

The theatre I worked at for almosta decade, on the other hand, was haunted. Top hat man would watch the shows. Tales of ghosts abounded. What pissed me off were the folks that used the ghosts as an excuse for forgetting a prop or their lines or anything that was really their responsibility. But the ghosts were there. One day I walked on stage and saw the masses sitting in the audience. I said nothing to the actors. I turned around to face upstage and the three actors came out to work. They all gasped simultaneously. could it be the light playing tricks on us, sure. But it was cooler to think that a couple ghosts liked to hang out with us at rehearsal.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Prompt #12

If you became a spy and could pick anyone (living or dead, real or fictional) as your partner, who would it be?

The obvious choices would be Sherlock, Bond, the Scooby Gang (including the Buffy gang), Poirot, or Miss Marble... but wait they are detectives not spies.
I think I'd want a partner with superhuman powers. I think I am pretty stealthy - so someone who had a bit more brawn than I. Okay - I keep going back to Sherlock - but a Robert Downey Jr version of sherlock. Sexy and fun. But then I'd have to be a spy in Victorian England...

When I think of spy - I do think sexy. But really - that is far from the truth. Spy arent "00"s all the time. They go undercover and can send years as sleepers. I dont think I'd want to be spy. A vampire slayer - sure. A detective - yep. Spy - not realy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Prompt #11

Tell us about your first encounter with a bully, then tell us about your last one.

My ass was kicked (just one swift kick to the butt) by some random girl in elementary school. She called me a name too - and to this day I have no idea why. I didn't know the girl. I was in the 4th grade. It still perplexes me. I have memories of the staircase. I wasn't jumped or anything - there were a lot of people about. She just kicked me as I descended the stairs and shouted two words at me. I wasn't hurt or anything, just confused. I never bothered anyone. I had my small group of friends. It was just a random act, I think? Or did she confuse me with someone else? Or did I somehow wrong her and I just didn't realize it? or did I cut her off on the staircase and she just got mad? I'll never know. But, She felt justified in kicking my rear end.

I can't say I have encountered any physical violence in the recent years. I did have someone pin me against a wall and scream at me. I knew why he did it. He was wrong to do so - but I could see how he felt I had wronged him. I hadn't and his perspective was skewed (which he later came to realize after much therapy).

Bullies in my world are more sneaky. They use passive-aggressive tactics to get what they want. They use others to manipulate the situation to force you into doing things. In the great Greek plays that have wonderful ways of describing these bullies like - silver-tongued. It is usually a complementary phrase but then when you see the actions of the person - you realize they are just bullies.

I work with many such people. I have, unfortunately, been friends with them too. and I have occasionally caught myself in the role of bully. I don't like it when that happens - it makes me feel ashamed. I don't like pushing my will on others and I dont' like theirs pushed on me.

I have been watching one such bully weasel her way into an organization that I adore. I have watched her alienate everyone as she whispers to the boss how things should be done. And he listens and the others are forced to do as she wishes - which usually means less work for her and more for them. Perhaps I shall write a story about this woman. I used to think she was quite inept - but that was becuase I was looking at what I thought her job was - I wasn't looking at her ability to manipulate every situation to her advantage. She's good. She's very very good and that makes her quite scary and formidable.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prompt #10

Do you work too much?

Yes and No

Its strange the profession I am in. I can't leave it at work. I don't clock in or out. I am constantly thinking about the next project and (hopefully) the one after that. I think I always need to be working towards achieving some goal. I should be doing something - writing, reading, etc - to better my mind or to research a project.

Yes - I think I am a work-a-holic.

But I also procrastinate more than I should. Really. I have to turn off social networking sites just to get a little thing accomplished. I watch WAY too much television. I don't know how it happens - but I get totally sucked in. I have to admit - I don't ever turn it on when I am home alone - there is just too much to do -- but I will watch clips posted in various on line news sites (Daily Show why must you be so good). I surf the web constantly - and am usually quite board when I do it. One would think I could stop and do something productive - but it is now a compulsion.

My agent told me to relax - that I don't have to do everything now... but there is so much I want to do.

Wow - i sound totally crazy and wound up!

My little "field trip" last month has helped me to put things in perspective. I went several weeks without being able to focus on anything. I was forced to relax and take care of myself. and the funny thing was - Iwasn't stressed out.

or so I thought.

2 1/2 weeks into my respite - my mouth started to hurt like hell. Crap - root canal - I thought. So I go to the dentist - I clinch my teeth - yep. That's caused by STRESS.

guess I need to do yoga again.

somehow I need to figure out how to balance being a mom, work, a healthy diet (and yes I made cupcakes today) and exersice - I see other people do it, why cant I?

but yes, I probably do work too much. But as I work for myself, isn't that how it should be? I contract out for others and I think I do a damn good job for them.

It's self motivating that is the problem

wow - this is turnig into quite the freudian couch post

self-motivating when I am trying to generate work.

I was depressed a lot of last year becuase the phone just wasn't ringing. But what was I doing to get my name out there? the minimum required. I seem to have lost soem steam.

so my quest - and yes it is a Quest - is to regain some momentum - and create create create


and that will mean I work too much

but as one of my dearest friends and my husband pointed out to me - I am always happiest when I am working

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Prompt #9

Write a letter to yourself a year from now. What things are happening right now that you won't want yourself to forget?

Dear me,

If by chance you have fallen back into bad habits - such as over-working and stressing out, remember to relax and breathe. There is time for everything. Really.
And if you have taken too much on - the good 'ole "I'll do it" motto - remember that the word "No" is an option for you. I know you are terrified to use it - but you should use it and often.

and do the art you want.

And take care of your body. Remember how long it took you to recover? Go easy on yourself. And eat better. The "diet will start on monday" mantra is not a good one. Everything in moderation. Once you are better, cut back on the red meat.

put the iphone (or maybe by this time next year the iPad) down once in awhile and do something silly. Take the kid with you and have a great time.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Prompt #8

Write an apology letter to yourself for not taking a chance you wish you would have taken in life, love, work, or...?

Dear self,

Sorry. Really I am sorry. I should not have been so damn loyal. It's hard to criticize you for one of the things I like most about you - but it gets in the way. It stops you from pursuing those things that could lead you to better opportunities. So I am sorry I didn't tell them to F*** off. I'm sorry I didn't apply for that other job - but I was too tried. Really I needed the break. But I could have gotten a paid break if I had pursued it.


Monday, February 07, 2011

Prompt #7

If you could take over the life of any character from a book or film and be them for a week, who would you choose?

That would have to be Thursday Next from Jasper Ffrode's The Eyre Affair. Who wouldn't want a pet dodo?

The world of the novel looks like to would be a blast to play in. A world where literature is actually important. I'd be front row for Richard III done a la The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Plus, Thursday gets to jump in and out of books. Sure its dangerous and fictional characters could try to kill you at any moment. It is looks like a great time.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Prompt #6

again, taken from another site...

On this day in 1935, the Monopoly board game went on sale in stores. Use a current topic you are studying and design your own game, similar to the format of Monopoly. (If time permits, you can also build the game.)

I am currently researching Voltaire and Emilie du chatelet. Monopoly is the perfect game as people earned a great deal of money from their land holdings at the time.

Boardwalk would be the Versailles. Park Place would be Cirey.

As Voltaire spent many a night in jail for various offenses to the crown - the Jail would remain.

Community Chest and Chance cards would all be about the enlightenment or science. Example "Win a prize on your paper about Newton advance to Versailles." or "don't get credit for your paper on Newton becuase you are a women, loose five turns" "Your play delighted the King - advance to go and collect 300 francs." "Your essay against the king's policy published in England has made its way to France. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 300francs."

Free Parking would be winning a science prize.

The railroads would be secret hideouts for romantic trysts. So if you control them all, you can get away with anything illicit. If you land on them, heavy penalties apply.

You win if you can get credit for your writings and avoid prison.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Prompt #5

Nablpomo doesn't do prompts on the weekend - so I found another cite
I'm writing this on my iPhone while my kid falls asleep

February 5th is “Disaster Day.”  Over the past several years, think about the natural disasters that have taken place in your area, in your state, in your country, and around the world.  What do you think has been the greatest natural disaster and why?

There was a series of pretty awful wildfires a year and a half ago. Many of our friends had to evacuate their homes. we were very lucky. The only problem we had was one of our dogs got incredibly sick - te vets couple figure it out - she was having trouble breathing. We got an ionizer for the house and that solved it.

I was in San Francisco for the last big earthquake in the 90s. Was in San Diego during the Northridge. Earthquakes are terrifying. Sure being a califonian I have been through many - and giggled at the non californians who have a complete desk out. But now that I live someplace surrounded by trees - it's a bit scarier. and we are lucky because most cA places are built with earthquakes in mind - and still there is destruction. I think about all these other countries who suffer greatly in terms of injuries and deaths of their people and the utter destruction of whole cities and villages. It makes me weep

These flash floods that hit other places are truly terrifying. Recently in Austrailia. Destruction in their wake.

To name what I think is the greatest natural disaster is an unfair request. Anything that kills and causes suffering is bad.

I don't want to get on my green high horse - but we humans are doing so much damage to the earth that i wonder howany of these natural disasters are actually brought on by us...

Friday, February 04, 2011

Prompt #4

Tell us about three ways you express your creativity.

1. I do theatre. I creating living paintings on stage. I love to stage visceral imagaes. Images that are no necessarily what you expect, but speak to you on another level. Explode the text visually. I consider myself a visual poet. Bodies in motion. It is sad, that the art I create exists only in space and time. It is not tangible. A video of the work cannot do it justice. Pictures look cool but can never do it capture an experience.

2. I started making journals. I see many of the ones I want o make in my head. Financial resources have made me have to use lesser materials for he time being - and that is okay becuase I am still learning the binding techniques. I do, however, want to make an order for better materials so I can make gifts for family and friends. Each journal must be unique and speak to the person I am making it for. I think to think of people and what they might like. I just need to get off my ass and do it.

3. I'd like to say through food - but I tend to miss the mark - creative failures (always edible but sometimes not a flavorful as I would like.) Wow three is hard. This is actually a difficult thing to answer becuase I have done theatre since the 4th grade - it is really all I know. I am trying to branch out with the journaling and the drawing class I am taking. I am getting ready to learn to sew too - perhaps what I am doing is trying to create art that has permanence - something I can show and say 'I made that"

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Prompt #3

Tell us seven things you do when you procrastinate.

Well this one might not take 15 minutes...

1. social networking
2. make lists
3. look through cookbooks for ideas that I will never cook
4. web surf (and it is usually reading the crappy Yahoo news)
5. play Words with Friends on my phone
6. stare at the bookshelf and feel inadequate
7. the dishes (yep - I do them to avoid doing other things)

what I should be doing when I know I am procrastinating...
1. exercising
2. gardening
3. researching interesting things
4. cook
5. leading Adobe Photoshop
6. Writing (but usually I procrastinate when I can't) - so maybe do more prompts!
7. playing with the kid or the dogs.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Prompt #2

Think about someone who annoys you. Write a list of everything you don't like about them, and then write a list of all the things that you're grateful that they've shown you about yourself.

what I don't like:
fake smiles
no boundaries
gossiping and spreading mis-information
easily hurt and yet callous to others
the facade
guilt tripper
pumps you for information so it can be filed away and used when convenient
blantant disregard for others feelings
sees the bus and can easily throw you under it
professes to being incredibly busy and yet doesn't really do anything
wants everything about You to be public yet holds all personal information.
acting like a 21 year old

what I am grateful for:
recognizing how even a small statement (or post of facebook) can have great repercussions and really hurt people
gossiping is BAD BAD BAD. Nothing good can come from it. You want the full story - ask the source and if you don't have the guts to ask the source then you have no f***ing business talking about it
actions and how we treat our friends and co-workers speak volumes.
generosity is important - but you should not expect it to be reciprocated
stand up for what you believe - make no excuses for what you have done. If a friend cannot understand your reasons, perhaps they are not really a friend.
quality of conversation is important
understanding what I get out of and need from relationships
and something I know about characters on stage, that this person reminds me of constantly as it applies to real life- there is always a reason for a person's behavior (motivation) and sometimes that motivation is not clear even to them.
Learning to forgive

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Prompt #1

Who's your favorite character from a book, play, film, or other work of art?

The first character that comes to mind is Elizabeth Bennett from P&P. I am sure she isn't my Favorite - but one among many. There are modern characters like Thursday Next who I totally enjoy. but she was the first one who came ot mind... so here we go.

What I like about her is her chutzpah. She doesn't get manipulated by "society" or buy "fashion" - she understands who she is and what the world around her is. She has an uncanny ability to figure people out - to see trouble on the rise. She is impatient with frivolity. And as much as her sisters (save Jane) annoy the hell out of her - she loves the unconditionally.

But she is exhibits both Pride and Prejudice and she is forced to recognize this. She does - with grace and humility. Her character goes on am amazing journey of self discovery through the novel (and as played by Jennifer Ehle in the BBC mini-series). When a character and see their true character - I find it refreshing. Austin does this in amy of her novels - Emma being a prime example. But with Elizabth - there is resistance. No one wants to see their own faults - it is a stong person who can look critically at their own self. It is perhaps soemthing I have learned from Miss B.

Elizabeth does not accept a marriage proposal. IT would be a lucritive match and help her family - but she says no (and is applauded by her father for doing so). Although women had no rights back then - she stood up for herslef and her own happiness. She would have been miserable in the marriage - her strength of character would have been beaten down. She marvels how her dear friend accepts Mr Collins and is able to create her own happiness within a marrige to a sniviling sycophant.

She stands up for herslef against the imposing figure of Lady DeBurg. And though she is prideful, she is not so far gone, or so stubborn, that she cannot see what is infront of her.

She is the type of heronie I like - flawed and strong willed. She holds true to her convictions and will no back down. But is is not afraid of admitting a mistake, of understanding that she perhaps does not have all the information. She grows up int he novel - for young lady to woman and that is simply marvelous.

26 more seconds... The BBC mini-series is the truest and best adaptation - I feel - for it allows the characters to breathe.

Feb blogging

Here are my rules:
1. Use the NaBloPoMO prompts every day.
2. Type for 15 minutes without editing or going back (timer will be set).
3. Spell check is the only tool to be used.

So get ready for some stream of consciousness craziness.

The theme for the month is character.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

other resolutions

I think 2011 will be a personal improvement year. What do I mean by that?


there are certain things that could be better

uh oh another list is coming:

my work ethic - i am easily distracted and need to work on staying focused

cutting people off in conversations - I have a HORRIBLE habit of finishing people's sentences... it's truly an obnoxious trait that must be curbed

gossiping must end. Sometimes, yes, I initiate the "dishing" but a lot of the time I am pulled into it. and most of the time I just don't want to hear it. 95% of the time the gossip is being tossed my way to illicit judgment (that is an opinion of the gossip that is the same as the person's who is dishing it). So I will have to find some strategies to politely withdraw from the conversations.

I need to say "no" more. Yep.

I also need to be more vocal when I dislike something that is happening. Particularly in the house. I tend to bottle things up and get incredibly angry - this needs to stop.

I need to talk to my friends more and stop using facebook, emial and texting as my primary modes of communication.

I need educate myself about things:
finances, morgages, 401Ks, etc. We have these things, but we could be managing it all better.

I also want to take some more classes.. that would be fun...

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Here they are:

1. One date a month with the husband. This date cannot be work related.

2. Eat healthy food. I really need to cut down on sugar intake.

3. Stop yelling.
Yes, I yell too much at the kid and the dogs. I reserve the right to scream at people while I drive.

4. Be better with money.

5. Continue to be better to the environment.

6. Write. Really this should be number 1.

7. Learn to use the sewing machine. Really, I have never used one and the hubby got me one (per my request). I'm a bit terrified.

8. Make more books!