Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 resolution results

Here were my resolutions for 2010. How did I do?

1. Decrease my impact on the environment

Well, I bring my own bags into stores. I got a new car - a Hybrid. Have tried to buy mostly local produce and only the veggies and fruits in season.

2. Write

This one is the one I failed at most. With the start of Kindergarten, a couple long-lasting pity parties about my career, I seemed to have kept myself away from the thing I most want to do. heavy sigh.

3. Plant a garden (which is part of the backyard project that will probably take a decade to finish).
Bush Beans, squash, herbs (excellent basil), chard and lettuce! I was happy.

4. Exercise daily.

HAHAHAHAHAHA - did manage to hike a bit.

5. More quality time with the kid and husband.

Hopefully this is the reason why my lists (reading and viewing) is shorter than last year. The kid and I have hung out a lot - with many playdate and activities for her. Still need more time with the hubby - but we had two vacations - Hawaii (Oahu) and Disneyland.

end of year lists

I thought I would do more reading this year - but...

Here is the list of everything I read for the first time this year:

Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott
Lolita by Vladimir Navokov
American Bloomsbury by Susan Cheever
The Pilgrims Progress -part I by John Bunyan
April Witch by Majgull Axelsson
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes and Make-Believe Violence by Gerard Jones
The Last Lecture by Randy Pauch
The Viewpoints Book by Anne Bogart
The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim
Nightlight - Harvard Lampoon
Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Study in Scarlet - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Shakespeare: A very short introduction by Germaine Greer
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austin
The Odyssey by Homer
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larrson
Atonement by Ian McEwan
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Stanislavsky: An Introduction by Jean Benedetti
Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris
The Stream of Life by Clarice Lispector
In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of speed by Carl Honore
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon (ok - parts of it)
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy MaMaude Montgomery
Passionate Minds by David Bodanis

We read a lot of chapter books to the kid this year - including six in the IVY AND BEAN series and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

On the film front, this year I discovered the joy that is Netflix Instant Play!

Movies 2010
District 9 (Blueray)
Monsters vs Aliens (blueray)
Volver (blueray)
Choke (HBO)
Shopgirl (DVD)
Cool Hand Luke (netflix instant play)
Inglourious Bastards (DVD)
Brothers (DVD)
Food, Inc (netflix instant play)
Sherlock Holmes (theatre)
Year of the Dog (DVD)
Away we go (blueray)
Inkheart (hbo)
Up in the air (blueray)
Men Who Stare at Goats (blueray)
Nine (animated/blueray)
Wolverine (HBO)
Midsummer Nights Dream (1999 version)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Hbo)
Ponyo (DVD)
La Ronde (DVD)
Twelfh night (DVD)
Fanny and Alexander (netflix instant play)
Julie and Julia (netflix instant play)
Clash of the Titans (blueray)
Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue (blueray)
Nine (blueray)
Toy Story 3 (theatre)
My Neighbor Totoro (DVD)
How to Train Your Dragon (blueray)
The Imagination of Dr. Parnassus (netflix instant play)
The virgin Spring (netflix instant play)
Tangled (theatre)
Hot Tub Time Machine (DVD)
Date Night (DVD)
The Swan Princess (Netflix)

With the netflix - I started watching "Battlestar Gallactica" and just an insane amount of cartoons with the kid.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


The child will no long be able to have a sugary treat prior to ballet. Nope. Never again.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

worst day ever

my daughter proclaimed today was the worst day ever.
Here is her list:

1. mom didn't stay at school.
2. One friend sat with another friend and not with her. So their were tears.
3. One friend went thru the path in the trees first. She wanted go first. Tears and "M----- always gets to go first" begins. At which point M--- comes over and offers to let her go first. No more tears.
3. Swimming goes well - but a playdate after is not permitted becuase we have to go to the grocery store.
4. She cannot have candy or a Quarter for the machines at the store. She does however read the wrapper of a bag of Newman's Own organic cookies to her mother's satisfaction and gets the cookies.
5. The store doesn't have what we need so we have to go to another store.
6. The dogs get the pantry door open and eat all the powerbars.
7. She can't barter her way to more TV shows.
8. Mom sits on the edge of her bed and doesn't lay down with her to go to sleep.

Monday, December 06, 2010

getting a break

I am sick and tired of lip service.

As an artist, people give it to you constantly.

I am also tired of people who have the opportunity to help you - pushing their own agenda.

LISTEN to what we have to offer and maybe you will be interested and perhaps it is a BETTER idea than yours. You NEED artists to do what you want to do. We NEED your support. I'm all for working together - but I am not going to just throw away a project so that you can hob nob with notable people.

How about you help me do mine and then we'll do yours.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

first sewing project

My kid wants to sew. I do not know how. I have never in my life used a sewing machine. But I found this American Girl kit - had the holes already in it. It is for an 8 year old - but I figured a 5 year old might be able to manage it.

It took us the better part of two hours - but here it is.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

A Daisy

The kid has joined the Girl Scouts - it is a Daisy troupe. Daisy is before Brownie. It's a lot of fun. As a type A personality - I am trying to just step back and let her have a good time - and not try to lead it... trying...

Before the meeting we had a playdate. All of the dogs and ceramic dolls were photographed with the classroom's Curious George.

Friday, December 03, 2010

happy home

Puppy has home.

Daughter hosted playdate with only minimal sharing issues.

Girl scout meeting was held. Crafts were made. Pins were received.

Nap while kid watched a show.

Good day.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

looking for a home

Hopefully tomorrow he will have a fabulous new home!