Friday, May 08, 2009

that damn muse

First I must say, I have been more inspired to write this week than I have been for the last couple months. It is just really annoying that my best ideas seem to be hitting when I am in the car driving somewhere without the ability to just pull over and jot it down.

I just finished SNOW by Orhan Pamuk and now I'm re-reading Atwood's NEGOTIATING WITH THE DEAD... so the idea of a "writing life" has been walking with me.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


At the end of Three Penny Opera - mac sings "Reprieved" when he is let off the hook for all his crimes...

Today I went back to my old work since my hubby is designing the next show there - to have dinner with said husband and child. I got the scoop on all the stuff that has been going down.

I felt my blood pressure rise just hearing some of the stuff... and I thought "reprieved!" Think Raul Julia singing that word loudly with joy (and an accent on the ed to make it three syllables).

Yep - so so glad I'm gone. And the little carrot - not looking good to me at all. Nope, not in any way, shape or form...

My entire drive there I was thinking of all the things I should be doing and working on... and I think the last piece of me that was freaking out about not being officially attached to a actual organization has gone the way of the dodo...

ahh big sigh...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


is watching Freya disembowel the stuffed dragon she got for her birthday...


Sometimes change is not good.

Since I started teaching this quarter, we had to adjust the kid's dat care. So instead of going to pre-school 8:30-1pm five days a week - she was going 8:30am-1pm on MWF and noon-5:30 on TTHU. Well, the Tuesday/Thursday drop offs were at lunchtime. And the 9 times we did it, 6 times she had to be pulled off my body and once off of the husband's (resulting in two very emotionally wrecked parents going to teach). One would think we would learn our lesson after the first week- but we thought shes adjust. NOPE.

She would, however, have a great time playing on TTHU and hated to leave school when we picked her up. After lunch they would play outside for a 1/2 hour and then head back in for naptime. My kid doesn't nap. And she HATES resting.

But we decided that although our child is a rock star when it comes to being flexible, it was just too hard on everyone (especially her). When I told her teachers, they agreed.

So now our favorite babysitter is watching her on campus in the husband's/my office while I teach my class... and she is so much happier... and so am I.