Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I need to figure out the menu for Thanksgiving. My sister and her family are coming. We are going to do a Turkey, of course, and garlic mashed potatoes. But what sides? We need a veggie. We also need a dessert. I need to make chocolate mousse for the husband -- but the last time I made it for my sibs family, they didn't seem to care for it. I wasn't offended - it's pretty damn rich. So what kind of dessert do I make? Hmmm. I'm not a fan of pie. But I could do some kind of pudding, I guess... I don't know. I'm annoyed that food tv isn't really helpful -- it is just super traditional. I want something fun and unexpected.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - so the menu is tres important. At least I have a couple days before I need to start buying stuff.

And I need to make fudge...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

lack of sleep

This morning I overslept and barely made it to a 9am meeting. I was a guest speaker in this class and I was so exhausted that I became MANIC. So, I am a big giant freak -- but at least I am entertaining...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

rent a car

Yes, I have a little Mazda rent a car while I am waiting to see what the bill on my car is going to be... I feel like I am driving a golf cart...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

where does the dollar go

So I spent over $100 at the grocery store yesterday and yet there is nothing to eat in my house. How can that be?

Friday, November 10, 2006


So, yesterday the clutch in my car went wonky. This happened as I was driving my sick daughter home after she vomited all over both of us. So, inspired by my friend Sarah's blog, I am going to list ten things I am thankful for:

1. My husband and daughter. To be loved and love in return is the greatest thing in the world.

2. Freya and Baldur. Two dogs that get into everything and I wouldn't have them any other way.

3. Pizza.

4. Chocolate.

5. Wine and port.

6. The Democrats wining the house.

7. The London Philharmonic playing Led Zeppelin. They do Pink Floyd too -- must get that album.

8. Sunsets - tonight was beautiful

9. Having my own washer and dyer. Really. No foolin' - I am so grateful for that.

10. Kisses

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the calm

I am sitting here in my living room. There is a fire in the fireplace keeping the whole house warm. My daughter is asleep in her crib. One of the dogs is curled up in front of the fireplace. The other is patrolling the house. My husband is at work. And I just had a fudgesicle.

It is nice to just take a deep breath.