Monday, March 31, 2008


We just got SLAMMED by the IRS. I mean SLAMMED. The kind of slam that produces tears. Yes, tears that turned to laughter at the absurdity of it all.

I admit - we make decent money - we do. I can't complain. But we do a lot of 1099 work. And that is where they got us...


It's our own fault, we thought we didn't need to do estimated this last year because we got money back last year...

Well, we wont be making that mistake again.

And the funny thing? Last week we had to cash in our spare change to buy groceries...

Why are taxes due the same time as Property tax? And Property tax is also due at Christmas time... does the government HATE us or what?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

things I want to outlaw

1. Text message blasts. Don't people realize texts COST money. Send an e-mail jeeze.
2. Networks' ability to turn the volume up on the commercials
3. TMZ - seriously, does this need to exist
4. leash-less dogs (oh wait - there is a law that says you must leash your dog - so let's just FINE the people in my neighborhood that don't. We could fund a library with with money)
5. Overtly comparing your child with another's - it just isn't psychologically healthy.
6. working too much

Monday, March 17, 2008


Have you ever had one of those days when you just can focus on ANYTHING.
That's today for me.
I have the entire day to write and I find I can't write at all.
Not a single line/sentence has come out of my brain.
So I did some research.
Took some notes.
moved a pot or two around in the yard

I could have:
updated my website
filed the giant stack of papers on my desk
done some yard work
painted the patio
prep meals for the rest of the week

Did i


Friday, March 14, 2008

writers block

Sarah had a fun entry on her blog. What do you do when you have writer's block.

Since I have been suffering from this impediment for a week now... I think I can actually answer that question.
1. read blogs
2. watch food TV or HGTV (paula dean has Amy sedaris on right now)
3. clean, yep, clean
4. read the news on line...
5. file crap that has been accumulating on my desk forever.
6. cruise Amazon
7. think about maybe doing some yoga... think about it...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

humanities new lows

I watched the last 15 minutes of the ultimate train wreck of a show called MOMENT OF TRUTH.

Look what the writer's strike brought us too...

Oh FOX, what will you think of next...

Monday, March 10, 2008

best weekend

I got to spend the entire weekend with the kid and the husband...

So glorious...

I missed them so much and I was only gone 4 nights...

Soph did not let me out of her sight this weekend. Even when I desperately needed a nap on Saturday - she climbed into bed with me and let me sleep on her shoulder for a good ten minutes...

So good to be home.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

just a surreal day...

My day began with a meeting with a director. She was lovely and it made me think about what my life would have been like if I moved to NY to create theatre and never met the husband.

I am so thankful I met the husband.

I love NY but there is just no way in hell I could live here. and just no way I could raise a child here. I have been hyper aware of the parents with their kids in on the streets, in the subway. WOW. Don't know how they do it.

I then had lunch with an agent.

Then I wandered up to FAO Schwartz to look for a robot for the kid. Found some cool monsters but no robot.

Then another meeting with an agent.

Then another meeting with a director.

Then a lovely cocktail event. Yesterday, randomly, I found out that one of my mentors was getting his caricature put on the the wall at Sardi's.

I managed to get myself invited to the "unveiling" event.

Now this guy has been a huge supporter of my work and is one of the nicest guys in show business. Really.

It was wonderful to see him.

I also just happened to meet Terrence McNally and Tom Stoppard.


I know


I then went and had a fabulous dinner with one of my dearest friends. We drank an amazing bottle of Argentinian wine - talked about art and theatre.

I should have gone to see another show - but I've already seen three and that was about all I could possibly handle this week. Besides... friends are more important.

Dare I tell you all that I, kiki, who HATES LOATHES DESPISES shopping - braved the Toy's R Us in Times Square to find that elusive robot?

Yes, I walked in (timeline wise this was in between the celebrity love-fest and dinner with M) and asked for some assistance. I was pointed to the toddler toy section - nada, nothing no robots.

So I asked two employees, both of whom were black, where I could find a robot. I explained my predicament - that my toddler thinks I am meeting robots (how ironic) in New York and I need to bring one back with me. As the woman and I were laughing about my kids tenacity, another employee, who was white, came over and started telling me that where to look. He completely interrupted the woman - who was being incredibly helpful - asking me questions. And he was all about the age appropriateness of the toys for my daughter. He literally pushed his way in between the two employees I was talking to.


Anyway - I said "well were are the robots for the older kids"

and he said "we have nothing for 3 and under".

And I said, "where are the robots?

he said "They don't make the for kids under 3"

I said "I'm the parent and I know what toys are appropriate for my child, so could you kindly point me in the right direction."

He pointed to the basement/electronics level.

I said, curtly, 'Thanks" and turned to the woman and said "thank you."

What in the hell was that about?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I was sitting in a little cafe having a pannini and the guy at the counter next to me answers his phone. He speaks in a language I can't identify... but certain words pop out:
interesting because the husband and I have been discussing the Frankenstein play I wrote and I'm working on another script with a Mary Shelley-like character.

I leave the cafe, am 30 minutes early for my meeting - so I go into BCBG (and laugh at the prices) and Anne Taylor (and laugh at the small selection)

I go to my meeting. Goes well.

I leave the meeting and call the husband. We have a great chat as I walk to the subway. We hang up. I walk to the train and a street musician is playing our song. I toss him a couple bucks. he smiles and keeps playing. I smile too - thinking about that man I love on the other side of the country and the beautiful little girl keeping him company...

and on a more ridiculous note. Three times today i have walked a block in the wrong direction. In high heal boots.

Monday, March 03, 2008

people watching

Was on a flight from SFO to JFK today.
had lots of pictures of Soph - so I was happy.
hit LOTS of turbulence and couldn't find a stewardess to get me a drink - which made me very very very sad. I think I need a prescription of valuim next time I fly.

The woman next to me was reading a book about "unlocking your hidden potential"
she wore a sweatshirt with a peace symbol on it.
I was on a plane that give you a personal TV.
Started reading THE ROAD - but it was way to depressing, started crying twice...
so I plugged into an old vice - HGTV...
then Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nighmares ..
then an animal planet special about how amazingly cool Dolphins are
..and the Daily Show...
but being the busy-body that I am, I looked at what my row-mate was watching
(BTW: no one sat in between us...nice huh?)
1. the in-flight map - which ended up going 0mph at 5feet in Nevada as soon as we hit Nevada and for the remainder of the flight.
2. The Simpsons (which I turned on too)
3. The Family Guy
4. Seinfield
