Monday, March 31, 2008


We just got SLAMMED by the IRS. I mean SLAMMED. The kind of slam that produces tears. Yes, tears that turned to laughter at the absurdity of it all.

I admit - we make decent money - we do. I can't complain. But we do a lot of 1099 work. And that is where they got us...


It's our own fault, we thought we didn't need to do estimated this last year because we got money back last year...

Well, we wont be making that mistake again.

And the funny thing? Last week we had to cash in our spare change to buy groceries...

Why are taxes due the same time as Property tax? And Property tax is also due at Christmas time... does the government HATE us or what?

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

does the government HATE us or what?

If they hate us as much as we hate them, then I would have to say yes.