Thursday, February 03, 2011

Prompt #3

Tell us seven things you do when you procrastinate.

Well this one might not take 15 minutes...

1. social networking
2. make lists
3. look through cookbooks for ideas that I will never cook
4. web surf (and it is usually reading the crappy Yahoo news)
5. play Words with Friends on my phone
6. stare at the bookshelf and feel inadequate
7. the dishes (yep - I do them to avoid doing other things)

what I should be doing when I know I am procrastinating...
1. exercising
2. gardening
3. researching interesting things
4. cook
5. leading Adobe Photoshop
6. Writing (but usually I procrastinate when I can't) - so maybe do more prompts!
7. playing with the kid or the dogs.

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