Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prompt #16

What's the best way for you to blow off some steam?

Today started off terribly - with fires happening in the workplace and people's tempers completely out of control. So I went for a hike with my friend. It totally helped. I was not able to blow off steam to the people from work - even though the issue came up becuase of lack of communiation on their part. I managed to get everyone on the same page and offer up a solution! wow.

But I was still tightly wound. There is nothing like a hike.

As I told my friend on our walk - my husband has been telling me that I should run a marathon. I was a runner in junior high (back int he dark ages) and was a wicked badmitton player in high school. Why did he tell me this? Well - after watching me give birth to his child without any drugs and my determination to get better after my surgery five weeks ago - he thought I could do it.

I think I can.

So I need to train.

I need to get running shoes - don't have any of those.

But there is a run in July. If I start training now I might be able to do 6 miles. And the training might be just what I need to work out all the pent up emotions that seem to get me all in a tizzy during the day.

Yoga just doesn't seem to cut it. yes - I love the stretches and if does help with stress - but I have a temper and I get really angry very fast. I think running might be the ticket.

If I can do the 6 miles in July - maybe I can do the RACE FOR THE CURE with my aunts in November. I'd really like to do that.

I also realized that I want my daughter to see me doing a physical activity. I want fitness to be part of her life - it was never part of mine growing up. My mom would take us to the beach - but that was about it. yes we had lessons, but I didn't learn by example rom either of my four parental units. And as my metabolism is not what it was - a kind of running might just eb the right thing.

There are numerous benefits.


But there is another thing I do to blow off steam. I think about all the people in the situation as characters and write a little scenario in my head - its never violent - but full with what I think is the appropriate level of humiliation. I guess that is my version of seeing people in the underwear when you are nervous. I fantasize about squashing them with reason and rhetoric. Perhaps in the fantasy they are reduced to tears, or maybe all I need is just a simple "you're right" or just for everyone else to see how ridiculous it all is. Whatever the imagined outcome I am victorious and the other person has learned something. That is why it is called a fantasy.

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