Thursday, February 24, 2011

Prompt #24

What's the longest you've lived in any one place? How did you end up there? Why did you leave, or are you still there?

The longest I have ever lived in one place is 7 years in the home I currently live in. Before that it was the place in San Diego with my hubby for 7 years.

I can remember living in 7 different places before I graduated high school. Compared to my spouse whose parents just moved for the first time in 40 years, that's a lot. I never remembered why we moved - I still don't know if we were renting houses or if we owned them until we moved to the East Bay during high school. The reason for that move was that property was cheaper. So were we dodging creditors? Who knows. I was raised by a single mother (who married again when I was in jr. high) - so anything is a possibility.

My husband found this to be very strange. I thought people moved all the time.

My husband and I have lived together since 1996 (I think). We have lived in four places - two of those places for 7 years.

Our current home is the first place we have purchased, everything else was a rental. We do not intend for this to be our last home. It is incredibly small - but currently serves its purpose. We have done a lot of work on the place - making the backyard more livable and various other projects.

Sometimes we get down in the dumps about our place - it isn't our dream home. With the money we make, if we lived anywhere else, we could have double the space. But we live here - the husband got a good job and we moved here. Yes we want more room. I'd love a real office - not that I don't absolutely adore my office in the garage (really I do its awesome) but I would like to not freeze my ass of in the winter. I'd live to have a larger living room or a separate family room so I don't feel like I am living in a kids room. I want my husband to have a man cave - I do - he'd be so happy. I am fine with the size of my kitchen - I just HATE the floors and the cabinets.. but as we are not planning on staying here forever - we just have not decided to spend the major money on renovations. Besides, like everyone else, we are ust going to have to sit in this house for a while so we can get above water.

I am thankful that we have a home.

I am incredibly thankful that my neighbors cut down the two dead pine trees that were threatening to fall on my house.

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