Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Prompt #23

Have you ever lost anything of value? Do you still think about it? Imagine how you'd feel if you'd given it away instead.

I'm not going to write about my car keysvthat fell out of my pocket at the Xmas tree farm, or the fact that it will cost $500 to replace it.
I still have not replaced them.

The fact that I can't remember loosing anything must mean I haven't. Well nothing of major value. I have been robbed. Jackets stolen out of my car. A framed picture stolen out of my office/ that was upsetting because I got that print at the Louvre.

Now I remember - I lost a photo album which had all my pictures from my year of living in England. I used it was a prop in a show (my mistake) and it went missing. I think someone deliberately took it. I can't prove it / but it was the only thing missing and it wasn't a small prop. It was before digital / so all I had were those prints.

I constantly loose things in the house - and although I get crazed and pissy when I try to find it - it is just a thing and usually if little consequence. I tend to be a little bit of a hoarder. A couple weeks ago I gave away all my Nationsl Geographjcs. I have been a subscribes since the 90s - so there were a lot. The husband had just bought me the Complete NG on CDs. So really there was no reason to keep them. It felt good to Give them to someone who could make great use of them. I need to rid myself of numerous a other things that I jace just been carrying around for years...

My need for things Reached an all time high a few years ago - o had a good paying job and it was easy to just buy stuff - I love buying my daughter thins. But the economic situation of today makes me wish I had saved some of that dough. I also have a kid who thinks she gets to have something every time we go into a store- I've created quite the little consumer. We have been working on this. She is getting better. And I am big spoiling her as much - which ia good.
There are certain items that I have that would make me incredibly sad if I lost them. But as long as the husband, kid and fur children are okay - I don't really need anything else.


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