Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prompt #22

What up nablpomo? No prompt again today.
So I took this one from jan 24

What are you shy about? Or, what situations do you find make you shy?

I don't think I am a very good dancer. So i try to avoid going out to dance. This is not to say I don't love dancing - I totally do. But if it us too bright - I just get a bit physically awkward. I danced up a storm at my wedding - but I was in a big white dress - so no one could see of o totally sucked. I dance with my daughter all the time - but soon I'm sure she will start telling me to stop.

I don't have the best signing voice either - which is why I just sing in the car when I am alone.

I am shy about my body - what women isn't? I get very nervous come the summer and I have to put on a swimsuit. Maybe that's why i don't like the beach.

My husband will tell you I am not shy at all - I can make conversation with just about anyone. The trick is knowing that people really do like talking about what interests them. So when chatting with a stranger - ask about their occupation, their interests, ect and next thing ya know you have a conversation... but I am rather shy when I enter a room. Particularly when I am alone. I search for a familiar face who can at least introduce me to someone to start the above strategy.

I don't like being put on the spot to "perform". Like all folks - I do have performance anxiety.

I think I am most shy about my writing - it takes a lot for me to give it to someone to read. I am incredibly nervous about it.

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