Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prompt #20

List 25 things you will do

1. Be a good mother
2. go to Egypt (but not right now)
3. make a full 5 course meal
4. paint a picture worthy of hanging on the wall.
5. see the aurora borealis
6. see Wagner's entire ring cycle live
7. re learn French
8. go to Norway
9. Run a marathon
10. learn to sew
11. learn to use a letterpress and make a book
12. Make a piece of furniture
13. write a novel (yep)
14. go on a safari
15. plant a couple trees
16. Relax without guilt (harder than it sounds$
17. Eat at French Laundry and chez pannais
18. Read a lot
19. Make a short film
20. Experiment with my art
21. swim with a dolphin (really swim not just get in the water with one)
22. Do a sweat lodge
23. Go to mardi grais
24. make a beautiful cake
25. Love (already doing that but I want to always do that)

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