Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prompt #19

List 25 things you will never do

I would never say never - so here are 25 things that I will probably never do in all likelihood... but one never knows what the future will bring...

1. Bungi jump
2. sing opera on the Met stage (in another life maybe)
3. trek across the Sahara
4. ride a dragon
5. put my head in a lion's mouth
6. dye my hair pink or yellow (just would not look good on me)
7. botox
8. cosmetic surgery
9. go into outer space
10. compete in the Olympics (unless I start curling now)
11. deep sea dive
12. drive in the Indy 500 (although I would like to)
13. run for political office
14. sky dive
15. eat something still alive
16. climb mt. Kilimanjaro or Everest
17. rock climb
18. go fishing in the Bering Sea
19. walk a tight robe (I see a fear of heights emerging on this list)
20. let my toe nails grown long
21. march in a marching band
22. hang glide/hot air balloon (heights again)
23. sleep in a haunted house by myself... seen too many horror movies
24. gamble at a high stakes table (too much pressure)
25. pole dance (not gonna do it and who would want to see it)

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