Friday, February 04, 2011

Prompt #4

Tell us about three ways you express your creativity.

1. I do theatre. I creating living paintings on stage. I love to stage visceral imagaes. Images that are no necessarily what you expect, but speak to you on another level. Explode the text visually. I consider myself a visual poet. Bodies in motion. It is sad, that the art I create exists only in space and time. It is not tangible. A video of the work cannot do it justice. Pictures look cool but can never do it capture an experience.

2. I started making journals. I see many of the ones I want o make in my head. Financial resources have made me have to use lesser materials for he time being - and that is okay becuase I am still learning the binding techniques. I do, however, want to make an order for better materials so I can make gifts for family and friends. Each journal must be unique and speak to the person I am making it for. I think to think of people and what they might like. I just need to get off my ass and do it.

3. I'd like to say through food - but I tend to miss the mark - creative failures (always edible but sometimes not a flavorful as I would like.) Wow three is hard. This is actually a difficult thing to answer becuase I have done theatre since the 4th grade - it is really all I know. I am trying to branch out with the journaling and the drawing class I am taking. I am getting ready to learn to sew too - perhaps what I am doing is trying to create art that has permanence - something I can show and say 'I made that"

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