Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Prompt #1

Who's your favorite character from a book, play, film, or other work of art?

The first character that comes to mind is Elizabeth Bennett from P&P. I am sure she isn't my Favorite - but one among many. There are modern characters like Thursday Next who I totally enjoy. but she was the first one who came ot mind... so here we go.

What I like about her is her chutzpah. She doesn't get manipulated by "society" or buy "fashion" - she understands who she is and what the world around her is. She has an uncanny ability to figure people out - to see trouble on the rise. She is impatient with frivolity. And as much as her sisters (save Jane) annoy the hell out of her - she loves the unconditionally.

But she is exhibits both Pride and Prejudice and she is forced to recognize this. She does - with grace and humility. Her character goes on am amazing journey of self discovery through the novel (and as played by Jennifer Ehle in the BBC mini-series). When a character and see their true character - I find it refreshing. Austin does this in amy of her novels - Emma being a prime example. But with Elizabth - there is resistance. No one wants to see their own faults - it is a stong person who can look critically at their own self. It is perhaps soemthing I have learned from Miss B.

Elizabeth does not accept a marriage proposal. IT would be a lucritive match and help her family - but she says no (and is applauded by her father for doing so). Although women had no rights back then - she stood up for herslef and her own happiness. She would have been miserable in the marriage - her strength of character would have been beaten down. She marvels how her dear friend accepts Mr Collins and is able to create her own happiness within a marrige to a sniviling sycophant.

She stands up for herslef against the imposing figure of Lady DeBurg. And though she is prideful, she is not so far gone, or so stubborn, that she cannot see what is infront of her.

She is the type of heronie I like - flawed and strong willed. She holds true to her convictions and will no back down. But is is not afraid of admitting a mistake, of understanding that she perhaps does not have all the information. She grows up int he novel - for young lady to woman and that is simply marvelous.

26 more seconds... The BBC mini-series is the truest and best adaptation - I feel - for it allows the characters to breathe.

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