Friday, February 25, 2011

Prompt #25

What do you do to calm your nerves when things are getting tough?

Like every good American, I have alcohol. A good glass of wine really helps calm the nerves. I just read an article that the US is NOT the most lubricated nation. somehow I was surprised by that - but other countries with extreme cold weather (yeah you russia) drink more. I do like a glass of wine. It usually puts me to sleep though.

Walking the dogs in the morning is incredibly centering. I use the walk to figure out what I have to do that day and how I am going to accomplish that feat.

The dogs stay with me when I work in my office. Usually I can pet one of them (there is a chair next to my desk that they liek to sit in). or I have one at my feet. Pet therapy is the best.

But the most calming thing for me is spending time with the kid. she always wants me to play with her. When I am stressed out I tend to get snappish and just let her watch TV. But when I sit down and play a game with her - everything is good. She is hilarious and happy and that makes me happy. Candyland, polly pockets or any of the incredibly silly games she has are a blast.
Then reading her three books before she goes to sleep - that is where I relax the most. It's our time.

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