Sunday, September 12, 2010


Oh my - I was covetting the iPad today. Do I really need it? No. Do I really want one? I think yes.

But I do have a worry. I let my daughter use my iPhone occasionally to play a game (I have a few for her). Usually I hand it to her in the car if we have or horrible traffic or the ride I more than 30 minutes. Lately, she asks to play on my phone all the time.
We created this problem. My husband and I are on our phones all the time. Checking email, facebook and yes playing games. I am currently addicted to "words with friends" a scrabble type game.

We were so bad that we had out phones at the dinner table. So rule #2 on our house rules list is - no phones at the table.

I admit to my technology addiction.
I worry what I am modeling to my child.

What would happen if got the bigger toy?

Could I possibly set some healthy user boundaries?

I'm just not sure.

And I am typing this on my iPhone while my daughter falls asleep...

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