Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bus stalking

Today my five year old rode the school bus. I went to the campus to make sure she got on the bus. I'm glad I did. I watched as she walked up to her teacher to show her the bus pass. I watched the teacher and the bus driver compare lists and shake thee heads. So I walked over and said "yes he is getting on the bus." It was then that I realized I verbally told the teacher the day before, but did not personally write it on her check out chart. My bad.

But she got on the bus! Holding hands with a friend. Pretty darn cute.

I then followed the bus - curious about the number of stops but also making sure my child did not get off on the wrong stop.

At one point I lost the bus. So I went to the after school facility and waited. The totally ride time was 40 minutes. That a long time for kids - but she didn't seem to mind.

She had a blast and now I am lopkig forward to 6 hours to myself on weds!

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