Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Dear my loving doggies,

I love you both very much. I know it has been a difficult year. Now that the kid is too big for the baby carriers, it has become really difficult to walk you both. If we lived somewhere where there was a sidewalk... if we lived somewhere where the neighbors believed in adhering to the leash laws... if cars didn't drive so damn fast - I'd walk you every day with the kid in a stroller. But alas, that is not the case. It is too dangerous to take you both out by myself with the kid in a stroller. We need two adults to achieve a good dog walk. And nowadays that is only happening on the weekends. Thanks for understanding and for playing with each other. On the bright side, the kid is getting big enough to chase you around... you know you love it. Will try and try and try to get more walks in... licks

Here is a picture from 2005... its so rare to get you both in one photo.

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