Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the fates

So, i have been wondering what to do with my life. Seriously. With the recession - directing gigs have gone the way of the dodo.. I have spent the last month and 1/2 getting my website together (a new host and it will be done) and contacting everyone I know for work.

so - i have been putting it out there to the powers that be to show me the path...

Today I got an e-mail from the theatre that I am supposed to be directing for this fall... the rights to the play i am supposed to direct are not available - how about play __________. Well, __________ is a play I really cannot stomach. I find it dry, tedious and one of the reasons I hate theatre. Yep - one of those old staples that should remain in the community theatre circuit and NEVER go pro again... I almost burst into tears. Here is a gig that I know I have, because I am told the "slot" is mine. But a play I would rather not do...

So I drive to the theatre because my spouse is doing a show there and we're going to meet him for dinner.

On the drive I have an epiphany. Ive asked to be shown the path. And this is it -- gotta keep writing. Gotta get off my ass and write. The directing is just not going to cut it anymore...

I smile. i feel fine now.

I get there and my phone digs - got an e-mail. The AD says to forget it - the cast for __________ is too big. I e-mail him an idea for another play.

So - I needed to see the light. And because I accepted it - the fates are makign sure I don't go broke.
Thanks for that!

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

Hooray! I think you're a brilliant writer. Not to mention the fact that I talked to three separate middle-aged theater patrons in the last week who told me they're getting tired of the same old thing...