Saturday, May 03, 2008


As the giant oak was being chopped up in my backyard, I went to an acupuncturist for the first time. Being a little needle-phobic, I wondered why in the hell was I sitting there waiting to be poked. But as western medicine seems to think the only way to handle the ever growing velocity of my PMS emotions is to give me cancer causing drugs - I figure a little foray into Chinese medicine can't hurt.
The acupuncturist took my history orally - none of the damn forms to fill out. This went on for almost two hours. Yep TWO HOURS. Then the needles came out. Didn't feel a damn thing. I know - even with one in my ear! Then I got to lay there and let them do their work for a half and hour (I think - I fell asleep, so who knows how long I was there).
I'm not sure I feel any different this afternoon... but we'll see.
I start the herbs tomorrow...

Oh and I never looked at the needles... oh no, not ready to see that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me? Big fan of the needles. They don't hurt and they seem to work, at least that's been my experience! Curious to see how it works out for you.