Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh the media

There is a fire here in our community.

A pretty big one raging...

The kind the governator declares as a disaster zone.

The husband and I are watching some local news - which is always a little bit annoying.

But what is more annoying are the commercials FOR the news. Shots of them reporting on the fire. A lot of "aren't we great for covering this?" "aren't we cool for putting ourselves in the action" footage. Well, isn't it their JOB to cover the news... Isn't it?

Okay - the newscaster JUST said - "they tell us it's dark now" - well YEAH it 11:30PM!!! One would think it would be dark in the middle of the night.

This is why I read newspapers.


Gina Marie said...

You don't find the local news HILARIOUS?

I like the male anchor who seriously doesn't even care if he follows the teleprompter and says things like, "Well you get the idea, you know, things are all messed up over here. Sheesh, who writes these things?"

It's a total Ron Burgundy moment.

Kiki said...

I do find the local media funny. My favorite is the LA folks they show on Talk Soup... so funny... and so inane...