Friday, April 03, 2009

great little house

In the past week, we have had many new visitors to our house. The husband and I go through various periods of house envy... buyer's remorse... etc. Lately, we have just been depressed that the house is too small and that we will not be able to move for at least 5 years in this economy...

The first wave of visitors was family. Husband's family who have BIG home, high income jobs, and impeccable taste. They loved our place.

Today a friend came by to snag some river rock from my yard (we're starting a new landscaping process). He thought the house was a "great little house."

You know what, it is.

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

I love your house. Sure it's on a busy street, but even then it's in such a pretty area... as Sophia says, "Trees! Trees are everywhere!"