Monday, August 11, 2008

reality check

We dropped some money and got iphones - yeah we did. Our phones were old. We need to have remote access to our calendars and e-mail... plus we did wait until the second generation came out.

I went to the break room today to get some water cooler water. One of the young women who just recently joined the development team was in there making her lunch. She took two hamburger buns our of the "free" bag (they were left overs from the company picnic). As I microwaved my water, I watched as she put mustard on the buns and then slices of cheese (the Kraft singles), which were also left over from the picnic. That was it. That was her lunch.

I walked back to my office and drank my tea remembering the days of Ramen and grilled cheese.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

I got in the elevator with this same person yesterday morning. She some serious MCDonalds.