Wednesday, August 13, 2008

i'm a little uppity

So should I get on my feminist high horse about the Olympics?

I have been fuming for days that they only showed the winning point in the women's saber - and they only did that becuase the US took all thress medals. Do they not want to show women fighting with swords? Girls kick ass - can't we see that?

The numerous women's beach volleyball games are shown - yes they're amazing to watch, but also in bikinis.

They didn't show women's swimming because men's gymnastics was so intense - but then last night they cut away from the VERY intense women's gymnastic team to show men's swimming. Hmmm. I guess Michael Phelps is what the viewers want to see - and yeah - he's amazing. I want to watch him swim. But, some of our other athletes are amazing too... and shouldn't we be able to see some of these other counties earn gold? We're so American and China centered... if there is another country doing well - we don't seem to talk about it.

Thanks NY Times for showing pictures (at least) of the other athletes from other countries who are the top in their field. And keeping us updated on the other events taking place. Didn't realize that there were some Equestrian events already and rowing... and archery... and... and....


Anonymous said...

Well- I understand. However- I don't feel like I have missed a lot because Manny is obsessed so while we are waiting for the NBC coverage, he goes to Oxygen( he is secure in his manhood doncha know). We saw the Equestrian stuff- (it was pretty cool because the men and women compete together), lots of female diving (which Bella seems to just adore), female rowing boxing, . During the say I saw this weird ass game that looked like soccer but is played with your hands (it was the womens team- not sure who won- couldn't keep up!)

So- I understand what you mean- but it is out there. Oxygen and MSNBC have pretty good coverage of the less popular sports.


Kiki said...

I guess I have just been watching the wrong channel
Thankand thank goodness for oxygen

Anonymous said...

Psst! Womens fencing is on NBC right now- France and USA.

I didn't even know Oxygen was covering it until Manny found it. Beware- the host is seriously annoying and weird...


Gina Marie said...

The channel I was watching definitely showed the whole women's saber match, it was pretty kick ass. The screaming alone was totally worth it.

And as far as I can recall, it was on one of the major networks...

Anonymous said...

I came here to agree. B is Argentine and missed several sports where his country won gold because it wasn't shown.

Also-the definition of the word "live" seems to have been changed!?

Are you growing your hair?

Kiki said...

And the Times and other publications say that NBC did a fabulous job... hmmmm...

Yep - the hair is getting long.