Friday, June 23, 2006


I work in a field where everyone thinks they are experts. Yep - the wacky world of the arts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion - I could care less if someone doesn't like my work - my work is not for everyone. But to personally attack me is another story. A certain website that posts reviews allows its readers to comment on the reviews. Following a very good review, a certain reader, who had NOT seen the work in question, immediately, upon seeing my name attached, dismissed it as rubbish. Another person said I didn't know "which end is up" - on any of my work. Now, there were other people who rallied to my side, championed the work and me and seemed rational. But, the venom is what I can't shake - it is quite malicious. It was directed at ME not the work. Obviously, there are some people out there that really hate me. That's a disturbing thought.

I know I shouldn't let it bug me -- but I do.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Where was this?