Friday, June 09, 2006

The supermarket check out

Yes, I am ashamed. I did it. I looked at the People magazine with the "bragelina" baby. I was in the checkout line and there it was. I was curious - I wanted to see what $4 million plus bought ya. They were very professional, of course. Ms. Jolie looked relaxed and happy - not sleep deprived, like most new moms. They must have a nanny and a good make-up artist. Cute baby, but then all babies are adorable. It's pretty disgusting that celebrities have so much power. At least they donated the money to a charitable cause - hey I know a lot about this child and this couple - why is that? Oh yeah - because every frickin' news channel has covered it. Soldiers are dying over seas, we are suffering from global warming, and yet, this baby has dominated the news. Hmmm. And did I look at the Time or Newsweek in the check out line -- nope. What is wrong with me. But I wasn't the only one. There were a bunch of very embarrassed people flipping through those pages. No one bought it (at least not in my line), but we all took a gander.

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