Wednesday, July 01, 2009

take 2

Okay let's try NaBloPoMo again.

After I was off to a decent, okay five posts, start last month. everything seemed to hit the fan.

My sister got diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome. A month later and she is doing better, still on the road to recovery, which will take some time. I am quite proud of her. She is working her ass off in physical therapy. I took her to her neuroligist on Monday and watch them basically shock her nerves to see if there was any improvement - and there was... Yippee...

Then the plague hit. Husband first, then child, then me. I got out of bed all of 2 hours and even then was barely conscience.

Then giving a final.

Then a TA who couldn't get her shit together to get me the 75 grades she was responsible for.

Then the e-mails from students who were not happy with their grades.

And all the while trying (in vain) to work on a script...


Let's hope the theme ROUTINE is better than Heros... Although there are still many heros I wanted to talk about... perhaps I will just talk about their routine.

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