Tuesday, November 04, 2008

its interesting what comes out

Warning: stream of consciousness ahead:

I had my book club last night. We read Michael Pollan's THE OMNIVORE'S DILEMMA. I was really surprised by what came out of my mouth during the discussion. Obviously the food I give my child has been on my mind a lot lately. My husband and I could both loose a few pounds and I want to set up healthy eating practices for my child. But the force in which these things have been eating away at my subconscious surprised me last night. As one of my friends put it - this book came at just the right time for me.

Now, I am not talking becoming a vegetarian again... when I had the realization that I could kill, clean and eat a chicken (thanks Gramps for doing a demo your farm when I was 8) I knew that that wouldn't happen. I just want the best possible food for my family. I want food (in the words of Fight Club) that is clean. I didn't know that cows don't eat grass anymore. They eat corn. Thanks to FAST FOOD NATION I don't think I could eat a fast-food burger knowing what the government allows an okay manure level to be.

I realized that this has been building because of the company I keep. My "Mommies" (friends from the mom group) try to eat organic, watch what food is put on their tables, cook amazing food, have sustainable gardens and do all that within strict budgets.

I was raised on Swansons, Mama Celeste, Fruity Pebbles and fast food. My mom is an excellent cook, but my mom also raised three kids on her own and didn't have time. I don't blame her for my belief that all fish tastes like fish-sticks. I blame the system that makes crappy foods cheaper than healthy foods. So infuriating.

But I also realize that this has been building because I am watching my little sister battle a weight problem. She used to be 100lbs (and 5'7") - obviously super-model skinny. Now she has gotta be 180lbs. She's trying, but with some medical complications, and stress, and a new culture infusing her home, and an over 30 year old metabolism -- how she stayed so thin before is not working now. I talk with her about nutrition and then go to a party at her house where the food (albeit super yummy - she is an awesome cook) can clog arteries just by looking at it. When she told me she only drinks whole milk I damn near fell over. Now, she is working hard on the problem, which is now a health issue. But I am really worried.

Something happened to me last week. I decided not to go to Safeway. I realized that they didn't have what I wanted: whole wheat pasta, dried mango (without sugar). So I went to the community market and found what I was looking for. I am of course worried that I am now going to be spending more money - but one of my friends said to me last night that she took her regular shopping list (and she normally shops at New Leaf) and went to Safeway - and spent about the same amount of money.

I need to track this for myself.

The other thing I talked about was food waste. I am horrified by the amount of food I throw away. Yes a compost heap is on the way. But still... FIVE avocados tossed in the trash? I realized that we buy in bulk and only once a week and things go off. All the good intentions I have about making lunch and bringing it to work go the way of the dodo when I am confronted with dining out for lunch... And now with the prospect of being unemployed in a couple months - I need to be watching the $$$.

So what do I do?

I think the Europeans have a great idea. Lots of small trips to the store, to buy fresh meat and produce. Yes, this will e a big pain in the ass since the husband and I both work. But why not try it. And make eating an event. The rush to get back to the TV or the computer has to stop. Gobbling dinner is not good for you. hen the husband and I eat out, we don't care how long it takes (unless we have plans after) why can't we have that same attitude at home and savor the food.

Also - what about creating a weekly menu? When we did the South Beach years ago, we followed that and did really well. Perhaps that is the type of regime I/we need.

For some of my friends eating is a political act. I'm not quite there yet. Right now it is about eating food that is delicious and healthy. Its is developing habits for my child that will give her joy in dining and a positive self image and a healthy life.

Enough for now. Polls have closed in Ind, KY and NH. Gotta watch.


Elaine said...

Brain hurts if I think about it too much but here are a few thoughts for you.

I was having a bitch of a time getting Mark to stop eating out at work and so finally came up with a plan that is working. We each get $20 at the start of the week and that is it. Coffee, snacks, lunch, it's all got to come from there. Suddenly, the man was bringing his lunch every day and drinking the coffee in the production office. And I'm not even spending the full $20 every week.

And yes, I spend a lot on food. But I'd rather spend it on food I know is good than eat at restaurants where I have NO idea what they're feeding me.

Meal plans work for me, but only if I only plan 4 (at most) for the week. That leaves some wiggle room and we almost always have a left overs.

Gina Marie said...

I totally agree with you on the european shopping thing. When I was in France I realized how great it was, and then back in Santa Barbara that's how Cj and I shopped - Every day we had good soup and bread or crackers for lunch, and then a healthy meal (usually fish or chicken) with salad for dinner. When we occasionally went out we had veggie sushi. I miss having a really nice market nearby and the time to shop like that...