Saturday, September 13, 2008

The end of days....

I am not one to embrace prophecies about the end of the world... but... today...

So the kid and I went into Kmart. I wanted to get her a new toothbrush and they have them super cheap there. So we walk in and I put her in a cart. She says, "Mommy I want a blue cart". I said, "the carts are red." She said, "over there! I want a blue one." I looked and sure enough - blue carts. At Safeway and Home Depot she rides in those toy car carts... So we went over and I put her in. It was only at that moment I discovered, to my horror, that they are TV CARTS.

Yep. The kid has a TV in the cart with them - they can watch a Dora, Backyardigans (sp?) or Wonderpets. "F**K" says I as I am now committed to pushing her around in this abomination. The screen above intermittently plays advertisements. And plays them LOUDLY. The ads - for hair and relaxation something - seemed geared towards women. I tried to figure out what triggers the ad - I think it played every time I stopped for more than three minutes.

So what should have been a 5 minute excursion - turned into a 23 minute one as I had to let the entire episode play... otherwise there would have been screaming. In retrospect - I should have just let the screaming happen.

I guess soon we will find out if Androids dream of electric sheep...


Gina Marie said...

"What's gonna work?! Teeeeamwork! What's gonna work?! TEEEEAMWORK!"

Thanks to babysitting your daughter, I now know all the words to the Wonderpets songs. I tried to explain the duck's speech impediment to my mother the other day and she looked at me like I was going crazy.

Also, I think we are moving closer and closer to 1984. Soon we will be doing calisthenics on the hour, like the japanese. Only these will be BRAINWASHING calisthenics.

Anonymous said...

And I thought it was bad when gas stations started having tv's in the pumps..

However- I do notice the convenient cup they get kudos for that. :)


Anonymous said...

So I go into safeway up in San Jose and lo and behold, what do they have? The Magic blue car....luckily I was in too much of a hurry to figure out how it worked... It is a NorCal thing I guess...
