Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Amazon's selections

So when you sign on to Amazon - you get your home page - which they tell ya to get a little something off your wish list or make recommendations based on your last couple purchases. Now, I have two wish lists - one for me and one for the kid. I recently added a bunch of books and toys to her list. I also just bought the DVD of THE SWARM for work - research on a show.

So underneath the "Get yourself a little something" which was compelety filled with stuff from my daughter's list (groovy girls and OZ books) it had "More to explore" which was all horror movies - and I mean the really scary ones from the late 70s early 80s... the ones that caused nightmares in me as a kid...

And you should see the combination of stuff that comes up when I hit "my amazon".

Makes me giggle.

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