Friday, February 15, 2008

the crack of dawn

When I was a kid, my mom left the house around 5:30am to get to work. She would walk into our rooms and give us a kiss before leaving. Now, most of the time we didn't wake up. But, we knew she come in because we would have big lipstick marks on our faces. We're talking bright mauve or a deep wine color, usually.

I had to leave the house at 6:30 this morning (truly difficult for me...).

When I kissed the husband and the child good-bye I thought about this and smiled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Everyone morning I kiss my son good bye and he ALWAYS asks, "Mom, do I have on lipstick now?" I so look forward to this each day. Where as my daughter, wants to be kissed right on the lips, so she has on the lipstick!