Monday, November 26, 2007

todays thoughts

Today I am thinking about... in no particular order..
1. when in the heck are the delivery guys going to arrive with the kid's big girl bed
2. why i am constantly fatigued
3. if there is such a thing as a healthy candy bar
4. how to get the stench of urine out of my couch (thanks boy dog)
5. if my love/hate relationship with my job will hopefully start teetering more towards the love side.


Mel said...

Pria bars are pretty tasty (get the crunchy ones). I recommend the chocolate peanut butter one....

Fatigued? Maybe more iron!

THe other stuff- sorry- maybe Oxyclean for the couch- I hear that works wonders~


Kiki said...

will try the oxyclean...

wineprincess said...

so many of those questions are beyond me... But I know there really are no healthy candy bars. Sad but true.