Sunday, December 10, 2006


So, I just finished reading SHOPGIRL by Steve Martin - not a bad little novella. And I'm dressed for work, feeling a bit fat since I'm wearing pre-pregnancy clothes that are a bit dated. I'm getting gas at the neighborhood station and as I sit in my car (with the door open) so I don't get went from the rain,a s the gas fills my car - a man starts talking to me. He's probably 54, he's got whitish grey hair, in a suit (nice tie) and driving a Passat. Reminds me a bit of Steve Martin and hey, I just read that book. So the guy's yacking about the news in Baghdad. Now, my vanity says - hey he's trying to pick you up. So I nonchalantly scratch my nose with my wedding ring finger - and he's still chatting. Whatever, he's pleasant. Then the humdinger of all humdingers: he asks "Do you have a bible in your house?" I look to left field. What? A Bible. I say "yes" because I do. I neglect to say I also have a variety of other different religious books like the Koran, the Gita, the I Ching, and a Book of Shadows. So, he starts in on how he was Episcopalian and he is trying to figure out how to talk to his kids about what is happening in the Middle East. By this time I am done gassing up. I start to get in to my car and he says "Have the Jehovah's Witness ever come to your door?" I looked at him cautiously and said "no". "Well," he says, "here take this - this was incredibly helpful for me." Yes dear readers - a Jehovah's Witness pamphlet. What do I do? Take it? Of course. It's raining. I'm running late for work. Do I really want to get into a religious debate with a zealot in the middle of a gas station? So I thank him and leave. As I drive the 50 minutes to work - I am annoyed with myself about being polite. Well, first I'm annoyed that I thought he was trying to pick me up - then I was annoyed that I didn't give him a piece of my mind... I thought of several witty retorts - but it was too late, the moment was past. So I put in some Sondheim and sang along on my drive.

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