Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What happens when you go back to work.

I just went back to work. Today I dropped my daughter off at day care and she cried. So, I called about 15 minutes into my drive to check on her -- and she was still crying. I called 15 minutes after that and she was fine. My husband picked her up and got the daily report from her day care teacher. She was upset when I left and then had some fun, but then got sad for the rest of the afternoon. My heart broke when I heard that.

She was sad.

I guess it is supposed to get better by week three... which will be next week. Until then, I will be sad too...

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Oh hon, this must be breaking your heart. I dropped Anya off at my moms a couple of weeks ago and my mom said she spent the whole afternoon being sad and listless... refusing to eat, no smiles, etc. BROKE MY HEART. So sorry you both have to go through this!

BTW, I'm totally spacing on where you're working now.