Sunday, June 01, 2008


I have been chatting with friends lately about our houses. We live in one of the most expensive parts of CA. Anywhere else we'd be living in a 2000+ sq. foot home with a formal dinning room and a bonus room. But, we're in a little two bedroom house - with a garage that is usable for anything other than storage. A kitchen that is in desperate need of a renovation (and I'm watching SPICE UP MY KITCHEN at the moment and they just said most kitchen renovations cost $30K-$60K - WHATTT??? gulp). A bedroom where our Queen bed and one dresser maxes out the floor space. And a second bedroom that is, i admit, a decent size for a kid.

We're all in the same boat. Houses that are too small for growing families. Houses that make our husbands frustrated. We converted 1/2 the garage into an office for me - the hubby has one at work. But his little home desk is squished into a little corner and things just get piled up on it.

Now I know that if we lived in Manhattan or San Francisco we'd be in even more close quarters - but we would also be able to get Chinese food or Sushi at midnight.

So what can we do?

Get rid of stuff? Already did some of that - but I'm not parting with my books.

Find furniture that fits in the house? Okay, but that costs $$ and do we really want to invest in furniture when we have a toddler and two dogs?

Oh and what about all the toddler toys everywhere? Hmmm... what to do with that?

Anyway... a bonus - we have a good size backyard and it is summer. Happy outdoor living...


Gina Marie said...

Not to mention every summer half the county is burning... ugh.

wineprincess said...

hmmm. There is one variable you are forgetting in the equation: time. If you have time, you can come up with clever solutions to all of these, right? Do the construction yourself, etc? But what parent (working or not) of a kid under 4-years-old has time to come up with clever solutions and then personally implement them nail-by-nail? It is very fab that you did the back yard patio already, it is so not clear to me how you found time to do that.

When we are really drawn to a specific vision, it is possible to do just about anything, or at least a LOT easier. That's how I painted my office this past January when I really swear I had no free time at all. I have some current organizing projects I want to do so this has been on my mind. Where does the energy come from? And how about the time itself?

I know it was more of a rhetorical kind of questioning in your post, but it got me thinking. If you can get a vision of a part of your house in a way that it would be way better for you, you might just be able to get there faster than you think. I can totally picture a killer kitchen remodel for you that would only take a few weekends and cost a few thousand dollars. We did a $5k kitchen makeover when we moved into our house (that made the house feel like mine) so I am not just talking as a remodel show viewer!

Okay, didn't mean to get so carried away with this comment. Back to entering my finances in Quicken.