Monday, January 14, 2008

the jungle book

So I introduced my daughter to my favorite animated movie - The Jungle Book. We completely enjoyed it. But then there was the end...
A young girl sings this song and the lyrics go like this:

My own home, my own home
My own home, my own home

Father's hunting in the forest
Mother's cooking in the home
I must go to fetch the water
'Til the day that I'm grown
'Til I'm grown, 'til I'm grown
I must go to fetch the water
'Til the day that I'm grown

Then I will have a handsome husband
And a daughter of my own
And I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in the home
Then I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in the home

Now I have boycotted all the "Princess" movies - except Mulan because she kicks ass and it is not about getting married...

Am I being to sensitive?


Anonymous said...

Well- yes- you are being sensitive. :) j/k

Let's look at the positives-
Belle is not about getting married. You can't forget about her. She sacrificed herself for her father. And I know a lot of women are offended with Ariel- but if you really look at it- she stands up to her father's bigotry. And isn't that what we want for our children? To think for themselves? And Pocohontas (not the best Disney movie) but she is all about caring for the environment. Cinderella- she is all about kindness and forgiveness. I have no defense for Snow White because I can't stand that movie. :)

And really- in the long run- what is wrong with getting married? You did it and look how happy you are!;)

You know I tease~
love to you~

Anonymous said...

PS- Go see Enchanted. I think you will appreciate it. :)


Gina Marie said...

To be fair on this one, she is in a tribal environment living on the outskirts of a jungle...