Friday, October 05, 2007

Culinary Snob

Okay I admit it- I was eavesdropping. Well, it kinda hard not to when you tune into a high pitched little girly voice.

The husband and I were at a restaurant. We're both working from home today - so we got lunch together. And that's it (heavy sigh).

ANYWAY - I overheard this woman order "a bowl of mac and cheese, a small side of coleslaw and a Cornona". It took all of my willpower not to turn around and see what this woman looked like. She sounded 12.

At the end of our meal, I got up to use the lou and when I came back got a good look at the mac and cheese/beer drinking gal. Probably early 30s.

When I walked out of the restaunt with my honey - we giggled about her order - "odd" I said. And D said, "well, she had steak last night for dinner".

Looks like I am not the only one listening in.


wineprincess said...

But what was the restaurant???

Kiki said...

Bruno's... not actually your high class joint ... but yummy beef!