Friday, July 21, 2006

Stuck at home...

I just can't seem to turn the TV off. My daughter has been ill for the last week and we have been stuck at home. Normally, I would be outside with her or on a playdate with other moms and babies. But, we have been here and tomorrow we get to get back out in to the world. Yippee!

In our "confinement" I have watched a lot of TV and movies. I have all these books, but every time I try to read - she wants to know what I have in my hand. I wasn't worried about having the TV on too much, but now my daughter is actually starting to WATCH it. She is sucked into her "baby crack" aka Baby Einstein videos -- but now, she's even watching the news with me. This is bad.

So happy we're getting out of the house tomorrow...

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